La madeleine en pixels c'est l'émission musicale jeu vidéo qui va nous faire revivre ces moments forts passés manettes en main, devant et à travers l'écran.
Ce mois-ci, on vous a préparé une playlist !
Tracklist :
- Hotline Miami (2012) - Perturbator - Miami Disco
- Hotline Miami (2012) - Carpenter Brut - Roller Mobster
- Neon White (2022) - Machine Girl - Rigged Game
- Ape Escape (1999) - Soichi Terada - Specter's Castle
- Super Monkey Ball (2001) - Hidenori Shoji - Under the Ocean
- Jet Set Radio Future (2002) - Cibo Matto - Birthday Cake
- Gone Home (2013) - Heaven's to Betsy - Nothing Can Stop Me
- Gone Home (2013) - Bratmobile - Cool Shmool
- Disco Elysium (2019) - Sea Power - Off We Go Into The Wild Pale Yonder
- Hotline Miami (2012) - Coconuts - Silver Lights
- Death Stranding (2019) - Low Roar - Anything You Need
- Max Payne 3 (2012) - HEALTH - Tears
- Hyper Light Drifter (2016) - Disasterpeace - Stasis awakening
- Risk of Rain (2013) - Chris Christodoulou - Coalescence