
Hot Trax On Wax

Saison 5 - Emission 16 - Rebolledo + Barnt - Mayan Warrior Saturday - Burning Man 2014

Animé par Damien, Nicolas et Fernand | Fernand à la technique

Saturday Night
" For the second year in a row, I had the honour of playing during the burn on the Warrior´s closing night... both times sharing the decks with a good friend, last year with Superpitcher as Pachanga Boys, this year with Barnt, who I convinced to come because his music fits so well to the place and situation… originally we wanted to have some back-to-back moments and some solo parts but we got so into it that we stuck together until the end for an almost twelve hour set… Such an experience… from the ritualesque drums to watching the man go up in flames until the sunrise, going through different peaks during the night with all this great people dancing between neon, lasers, fire and metal machines… it was so great to be part of this!! Thanks a lot to the Mayan Warrior crew, and thanks to all the warriors who were there…" 

Mastered by
Cover photo by Pablo Gonzalez Vargas

Mayan Warrior Burning man

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